QNu Labs


Harvest Now Decrypt Later

JUNE 06, 2024 | QNu Labs


In the ever-evolving realm of cybersecurity, a significant and emerging threat looms on the horizon, known as "Harvest Now, Decrypt Later" (HNDL). This threat is particularly concerning as quantum computing advances, promising to outstrip the capabilities of traditional cryptographic methods. With quantum computers on the brink of breaking current encryption, the data we consider secure today could be easily decrypted in the future. This article delves into the intricacies of HNDL, its potential impact on various industries, and the country’s most likely to be affected.

What is "Harvest Now, Decrypt Later (HNDL)"?

The "Harvest Now, Decrypt Later" strategy involves cyber adversaries collecting and storing encrypted data today with the intention of decrypting it once quantum computers become sufficiently advanced. Current encryption methods, such as RSA and ECC, are based on mathematical problems that are nearly impossible for classical computers to solve within a reasonable timeframe. However, quantum computers, with their immense processing power, could solve these problems, rendering today's encryption obsolete. Today, a huge amount of stolen information is lying in foreign databases. They are ready to be exposed in the next few years with the imminent arrival of quantum computers. It’s time for governments and enterprises to step up. They need to be quantum-ready and develop a crypto-agility strategy.

Industries Most Impacted by Harvest Now, Decrypt Later (HNDL)

Banking and Financial Services (BFSI)

Why it’s impacted: The BFSI sector is a prime target for cyberattacks due to the sensitive nature of financial data, including transactions, personal information, and proprietary algorithms.

Impact: A successful HNDL attack could expose years of financial transactions, compromising the integrity of financial systems and eroding customer trust.

Countries most affected: The United States, United Kingdom, China, Singapore, and India, given their highly developed financial markets and extensive use of digital banking.


Why it’s impacted: Healthcare organizations store vast amounts of personal health information (PHI), which is valuable for identity theft and fraud.

Impact: Breaches could lead to the exposure of confidential patient records, impacting patient privacy and trust, and potentially causing life-threatening situations if medical records are tampered with.

Countries most affected: The United States, Canada, European Union nations, and India, where electronic health records (EHR) systems are widely adopted.


Why it’s impacted: Telecom networks handle massive amounts of data, including personal communications and corporate information.

Impact: Decryption of intercepted communications could lead to industrial espionage, loss of competitive advantage, and privacy breaches.

Countries most affected: South Korea, Japan, China, the United States, and India, given their advanced telecom infrastructure and high volume of data transmission.


Why it’s impacted: The energy sector, including power grids and oil and gas infrastructure, relies on secure communication for operational safety and efficiency.

Impact: Breaches could disrupt services, leading to potential blackouts, operational hazards, and economic loss.

Countries most affected: Russia, the United States, Saudi Arabia, Canada, and India, due to their extensive and strategically important energy infrastructure.


Why it’s impacted: Manufacturing industries often hold proprietary designs, production methods, and strategic business data.

Impact: Industrial espionage could lead to the loss of intellectual property, competitive advantage, and significant financial losses.

Countries most affected: Germany, Japan, China, the United States, and India, where manufacturing plays a critical role in the economy.

Harvest Now, Decrypt Later (HNDL) Country-Specific Impacts

United States

Impact: As a global leader in technology, finance, healthcare, and energy, the U.S. faces significant risks from HNDL. The potential decryption of vast amounts of stored data could have far-reaching implications for national security, economic stability, and individual privacy.


Impact: With its rapid advancements in technology and telecommunications, China is both a potential victim and an actor in the quantum race. The vast amounts of data generated and stored within the country make it a prime target for HNDL threats.

European Union

Impact: The EU, with its stringent data protection regulations and extensive digital infrastructure, must prepare for the potential decryption of sensitive data. Industries like banking, healthcare, and manufacturing are particularly vulnerable.


Impact: Japan’s advanced technology sector and reliance on telecommunications make it susceptible to HNDL threats. The potential decryption of industrial secrets could severely impact its competitive edge.


Impact: Russia’s critical energy sector, along with its strategic geopolitical interests, faces significant risks from HNDL. The potential disruption of energy supplies and loss of sensitive data could have national and international consequences.


Impact: As an emerging technological powerhouse with rapidly growing digital infrastructure, India is highly vulnerable to HNDL threats. The banking, healthcare, telecommunications, energy, and manufacturing sectors are particularly at risk. India’s significant investments in digital transformation and smart city initiatives could be undermined by future decryption threats, affecting national security and economic progress.

How QNu Labs Helps Address the Harvest Now, Decrypt Later (HNDL) Threat

With the acceleration in digital transformation, there is an increase in the likelihood of data breaches. Today, nations are developing smart cities, autonomous cars, and other edge devices where vulnerabilities can open up at many points. We live in a world where codes run power plants, industries, and more. But this kind of digital transition demands upgradation of data security too.

Data is a critical part of digitization; nation-state hackers pose a threat to even the best cybersecurity systems since they can steal vital information, including drug blueprints, government confidential information, banks’ sensitive data, enterprise R&D information, and nuclear blueprints. Cybercriminals are continuously finding ways to incorporate sensitive information into their networks across the globe. Hackers working for China, Iran, Russia, North Korea, and other nations are spying and stealing data and harvesting it for the future.

Some past attacks involving highly sensitive data include the USA escalating online attacks on Russia’s power grid and the Stuxnet worm on Iranian nuclear facilities. In the battles of cybersecurity and cybercriminals, the game changer is coming in the form of quantum computers, which can break conventional cryptography in no time. Any encryption built on mathematical complexities (which include RSA, DSA, ECDH, and other variants of ciphers) is highly vulnerable to quantum attacks. Encryption protects everything from sensitive information to the operation of power plants, dams, stock markets, defence secrets, and government sensitive data.

Data tapping is not new. Hackers are motivated to tap encrypted data and collect substantial amounts of it while waiting for quantum computers to crack the keys. If hackers can crack the encrypted keys, it will be the next “data pandemic”.

Quantum Race of Super Powers

China and US are in the race to develop a quantum computer, which can democratize many industries, particularly in the fields of medicine, AI and scientific modelling. Chinese satellites are using quantum cryptography to secure video conferences between continents. Swiss government is also using quantum key distribution (QKD) to protect its national elections and many such applications.

As tons of data is already sitting on cloud, databases can be exposed any time in the near future using a quantum computer. The estimated time is 2-3 years. Are you ready for the next data pandemic?

What organisations can do to be Quantum Ready

  • Conduct post-quantum risk assessment
  • Diagnose infrastructure of your organization
  • Have Crypto Agility to counter quantum attacks
  • Ensure your PKI can be migrated to quantum cryptography in no time
  • Take a hybrid approach using quantum and classic crypto solutions
  • Design quantum-safe infrastructure

Why is quantum cryptography unbreakable?

Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) uses photons to send encrypted keys. Hence, theoretically, they are absolutely unbreakable. Any attempt to eavesdrop will be detected easily and instantly, thereby triggering preventive steps. In today's time, PKI attacks are virtually undetectable. Hence, by using QKD, attempts of eavesdropping and man-in-the-middle attacks can be detected.

As today’s PKIs are based on mathematical computations, the keys can be easily broken using Shor’s or Grover’s algorithms on quantum computers. Theoretically, by using QKD, the keys can be made 100% hack-proof and 100% random as well. Today, protecting data in transit is crucial while PKI lacks in detecting eavesdropping. By using QKD, businesses can detect incidents of eavesdropping and secure data in transit.

How QNu Labs Helps with Harvest Now, Decrypt Later (HNDL)

QNu Labs is at the forefront of combating the “Harvest Now, Decrypt Later” threat with its cutting-edge quantum cryptography solutions. Here’s how QNu Labs is making a difference:

Quantum Key Distribution

What it does: QKD provides a method to distribute encryption keys securely using the principles of quantum mechanics, making it virtually impossible for adversaries to intercept and decrypt the keys without being detected.

Benefit: This ensures that even if data is harvested today, it cannot be decrypted in the future without the correct quantum keys, which are immune to the computational power of quantum computers.

Quantum Random Number Generator

What it does: QRNG generates truly random numbers using quantum processes, which are critical for creating secure cryptographic keys.

Benefit: The randomness provided by QRNG enhances the security of encryption keys, making them impervious to predictive attacks that could be facilitated by quantum computing.

QShield Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS)

What it does: QShield offers robust quantum-safe encryption solutions through its platform and software services, enabling businesses to protect their data with the highest level of security.

Benefit: By integrating QShield, organizations can ensure their data remains secure against current and future threats, including those posed by quantum computing.

QConnect (Quantum Secure VPN)

What it does: QConnect leverages quantum cryptography to secure VPN connections, providing an unprecedented level of security for data in transit.

Benefit: This ensures that sensitive data transmitted over networks remains confidential and tamper-proof, safeguarding against potential HNDL attacks.

QOSMOS (Entropy as a Service)

What it does: QOSMOS delivers high-quality entropy for cryptographic applications, ensuring the robustness of encryption processes.

Benefit: Enhanced entropy strengthens cryptographic systems, making them more resilient to future quantum decryption attempts.

QCollaboration (Quantum Messaging Service)

What it does: QCollaboration provides secure communication channels using quantum encryption, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of messages.

Benefit: This service protects sensitive communications from being intercepted and decrypted in the future, maintaining privacy and security.

Preparing for a Quantum Future

To mitigate the risks posed by HNDL, industries and nations must take proactive steps towards quantum readiness. This includes:

Adopting Quantum-Resistant Algorithms: Transitioning to cryptographic methods that are resistant to quantum attacks, such as lattice-based cryptography.

Implementing Crypto-Agility: Developing systems that can quickly adapt to new cryptographic standards as they evolve.

Increasing Collaboration: Governments, industry leaders, and cybersecurity experts must collaborate to share knowledge and develop robust defence mechanisms against quantum threats.

Investing in Quantum Research: Supporting research and development in quantum computing and cryptography to stay ahead of potential adversaries.

The “Harvest Now, Decrypt Later” threat underscores the urgency for industries and nations to prepare for the advent of quantum computing. By understanding the potential impacts and taking proactive measures, we can safeguard our data and infrastructure against future decryption threats. The race towards quantum security is not just about staying ahead; it’s about ensuring the privacy and security of our digital future.

By focusing on these strategies and leveraging solutions from leaders like QNu Labs, we can better protect sensitive data and maintain trust in our digital systems as we transition into the quantum era. Embracing quantum-resistant technologies and fostering international cooperation will be crucial in this ongoing battle to secure our information against the unprecedented capabilities of quantum computers.