February 21, 2025

Microsoft Majorana 1 Path to Million Qubit Quantum Computers, Classical Encryption has ZERO SAFETY

Dilip Singh | CTO

Scientific community has been working on extracting the benefits of quantum physics for computation over 15-20 years.

Three key reasons have been stalling meaningful realization –

(1) Controlling the Quantum Error so that computation can happen with meaningful confidence, (2) Bringing together enough (say 1000+) numbers of qubits together to really utilize the power of quantum and (3) Keeping the size, operating environment and the costto a reasonable level for real proliferation of quantum computers.

First major breakthrough happened in Jan’25 when Google announced its Willow Quantum Chip. It was a path breaking asit was able to devise a mechanism which would result in reduction of Quantum error with increasing qubits (earlier it used to increase with increase innumber of qubits). This was achieved by the use of tuneable qubits and couplers. Google’s Willow also increased the length of time qubits wouldmaintain quantum state by 5X, from 20 microseconds to 100 microseconds. This allowed more complex problems to be run. Together with 105 qubits, Willow ranthe RCS benchmark in under five minutes; it has been determined that today’sbest classical supercomputer would need 10 septillion years to run the same benchmark (that’s a 1 followed by 25 zeros). In short, because Willow performs below the error correction threshold, it is able to conduct random circuitsampling far beyond what is possible with classical computers.

While Google did exceedingly well with Willow, it took the classical path of optimizing qubits and to try and find ways to add more qubits targeting 1000+ qubits over the next few years.

Microsoft just broke the conventional approach.

Rather than relying on conventional approach it went into fundamentals to search for a mechanism where qubits would be reliable and lessprone to errors. Here is what Microsoft has been able to achieve

Microsoft announces world’s first topoconductor, a break through type of material that can create an entirely new state of matter – not a solid, liquid or gas but a topological state. This is harnessed to produce a more stable qubit that is fast, small and can be digitally controlled,without the trade-offs required by current alternatives. This is theheart of the reliability and scalability claims by Microsoft to have millions of qubits in a small palm size chip.

Traditional quantum computing rotates quantum states through precise angles, requiring complex analog control signals customized for each qubit. This complicates quantum error correction (QEC), which must rely onthese same sensitive operations to detect and correct errors.

Microsoft’s measurement-based approach simplifies QEC dramatically. Here error correction is performed through measurements activated by simple digital pulses that connect and disconnect quantum dots from nano wires. This digital control makes it practical to manage the large numbers of qubits with acceptable errors , needed for real-world applications.

Understanding Majorana (Majorana Zero Modes, MZMs), the half electron !

Microsoft’s innovations in the design and fabrication of gate-defined devices combines indium arsenide (a semiconductor) and aluminium (a superconductor). When cooled to near absolute zero and tuned with magneticfields, these devices form topological superconducting nano wires with MajoranaZero Modes (MZMs) at the wires’ ends.

MZMs are the building blocks of Microsoft qubits, storing quantum information through ‘parity’—whether the wire contains an even or odd number of electrons. In conventional superconductors, electrons bind into Cooper pairs and move without resistance. Any unpaired electron can be detected because its presence requires extra energy. In case of Microsoft topoconductor unpaired electron is shared between a pair of MZMs, making it invisible to the environment. This unique property protects the quantum information.

Microsoft uses digital switches to couple both ends of the nano wire to a quantum dot, which is a tiny semiconductor device that can store electrical charge. This connection increases the dot’s ability to hold charge. The dot’s ability to hold charge determines how the microwaves reflect off the quantum dot. As a result, they return carrying an imprint of the nano wire’s quantum state. Microsoft is able to control these quantum dots digitally, thereby converting a complex analog operation to a digital one. 

Prediction on Quantum Computers Commercial Availability

Microsoft’s announcement and the fundamental breakthrough achieved has busted the pessimistic view of commercial availability of quantum computers. Having a powerful quantumcomputer commercially is a reality now… that too with a path of quantum computers/quantum processing units (QPU) with even millions of qubits

Couple this with research happening worldwide, it would be safe to predict first error corrected commercially available quantum computers with 100-256 qubits in 2026 and >1000 qubits in 2027-28 time frame.

Impact on Classical Encryption & Transition to Quantum Safe Cryptography

Classical Cryptography is now vulnerable like never before as Cryptographically relevant Quantum Processing Units (QPUs) are going to be available within this decade – in fact, from safety and security perspective its at Level 0 security. 

QNu Labs recommends to initiate swift transition to Quantum Safe Cryptography