July 12, 2023

Save Digital Privacy with Quantum Cryptography

QNu Labs

A quantum computer can process data at an enormous speed. A transaction that takes classical computers weeks to compute can be processed by a quantum computer in seconds. The ability of quantum computers to factor many possibilities simultaneously has severe implications for data privacy. Data attacks with advanced quantum technologies could crack even the most advanced encryption schemes.

Quantum cryptography is a cutting-edge technology that revolutionises secure communication. Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is at the core of quantum cryptography. QKD shares a secret encryption key to encrypt and decrypt messages between two parties. Unlike conventional encryption methods that use complex mathematical algorithms, QKD uses fundamental laws of quantum physics. An attempt to intercept or tamper with the key is immediately detected making it virtually impossible for eavesdroppers to access the encrypted information.

Quantum cryptography has many applications. Securing digital communications is the primary use case in addition to protecting sensitive data stored in the cloud, authenticating users for online transactions, and safeguarding critical infrastructure such as power grids and transportation systems.

Organisations should analyse their privacy strategy and build flexibility to respond to all possibilities of quantum technologies.

Analysing privacy strategy

Reviewing existing technical and organisational security to ensure resilience in the future is the basis of the quantum-secure privacy strategy of an organisation

As quantum technology matures and is widely adopted, it will shift privacy priorities. For instance, quantum computers can break current encryption standards such as RSA. Encryption is essential to secure personal data, so adopting quantum-resistant cryptography will be vital to protecting sensitive information and complying with privacy regulations.

To be quantum-secure, analyse the existing technological infrastructure, primarily cryptographic infrastructure, to identify improvements that can be tackled now rather than as a reaction to a data breach.

Quantum-secure privacy strategies should also carefully analyse and consider the impacts of cross-border data transfers. Identify countries with accelerated quantum capabilities, such as China or the US, and laws and practices that allow authorities to access personal data in transit. Effective technical protocols such as quantum-safe encryption should secure data transmission across borders.

Flexible Approach

The impacts of quantum technology are not foreseeable today. So, building a flexible privacy strategy resilient to future legislative changes is vital. Quantum-secure privacy strategies should accommodate fast-developing technologies and have the ability to pivot in an evolving regulatory landscape. An ideal quantum-secure privacy strategy would incorporate breach response exercises with a shorter reporting timeframe enabling organisational incident response processes.

Act Now

The maturity of quantum technologies warrants changing organisation’s thinking around data privacy. The privacy concerns prompted by quantum attacks are not in their infancy anymore.

QNu Labs offers a complete quantum cryptography ecosystem through the patented flagship products in QKD (Armos), QRNG (Tropos), and PQC (Hodos).

The ensemble of products and solutions provides robust quantum security that unflinchingly protects data: in transit or at rest.

To know more about the products, request a demo.